lauantai 16. maaliskuuta 2013


Hey dude, what´s with the silence? Are somekind of a mime, or something? What are you doing esse? You stupid? This is a blog man, you are supposed to give the internet it´s free content regurarly.

Well, I have been puking my guts out for the past week and quite frankly it just takes me time to make cocktails in a foreign language. I am still also kind of trying to figure out what form this thing of mine is going to have, and what medium would serve it best. My other blog is going to be heavy on text, and I do not want two of those puppies hanging around my neck. Most likely I will post here a mixed bag of things. We´ll see.


lauantai 9. maaliskuuta 2013

Start of something beautiful

Alright, I am not really the type who blogs. Perhaps this is a little self contradictory, but I am also the type who simply cannot shut up or stop writing. The main reason for this blog is to practise my English and get some important writing therapy. It might be a sign of the times, that every two-bit-narcicistic-extrovert in the world now has a chance to put their message out to the blogosphere. Luckily, this also means that most messages get lost in the ever growing sea of dung and pointlessness. This is probably going to be one of those lost messages. 


This blog is going to be mainly filled with lighter themes and obscure pop-culture references. My main subjects will no doubt be games (PC, Playstation, board games etc.) and movies, but occasionally I will probably also reach into politics and religion. Comments will be allowed, but keep it civil. My personal philosophy is: Opinions are like assholes, everybody´s got one.
This blog has a Finnish half-brother, on which I shall write about the heavier and more inflammatory subjects (society, politics etc.), and themes that touch Finland specifically. Go check it out if you know Finnish language. Hope you´ll enjoy the essays and verbal diarrheas that lie ahead. 

Okay, let´s start the music...